Rana Sweis

Journalism World

Triumph of the will: Putin’s war against Russia’s last independent TV channel

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Away from Ukraine, Kremlin is fighting a campaign that is part of rehashed agenda that sees media as propaganda automatons.

"We didn't have to do anything particularly cunning to achieve this – we just filmed the kinds of things that had disappeared from Russian TV over the previous 15 years: live broadcasts, cutting-edge interviews with politicians and public figures, live feeds from different parts of the world. We interviewed not just opposition figures, but also the leadership, including Dmitry Medvedev, asking them uncomfortable questions live that simply wouldn't get asked on state TV."

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Rana Sweis Articles

What’s The Point Of Journalism School?

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Callie Schweitzer is a one-woman counterargument. She's a 21-year-old senior from Westchester, N.Y., and she's already had internships at People magazine and The New York Times. Schweitzer used to write for the independent student paper, . Now she's the editor-in-chief of , the 24-hour online news website for USC's Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism.

"I don't believe it when people say journalism is dead," Schweitzer says. "I'm the one raising my hand saying, 'No it's not!' I think it will always exist."

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