Guest commentator on TRT World's The Newsmakers
I joined former Jordanian deputy prime minister Jawad Anani in the discussion on: Why are Jordanians protesting against the government’s proposed tax-hike? June
Expert panel discussion on CGTN's The Heat
Jordan’s Protests – What’s causing the unrest? I joined a panel of experts Hassan Barari, Mamoun Abu Nowar and Bessma Momani to discuss the controversy and situation. June
Guest commentator on TRT World's Money Talks
Joined this reportage by TRT World's Money Talks programme to discuss the news headline of Jordanian PM quits over austerity protests. April
Phone interview on Al Ordon Al Yoom
I joined the news programme over the phone to comment about new journalism credibility and the role of social media. Watch episode in Arabic here.
A Mention in the Center for International Media Assistance report
A mention in the Center for International Media Assistance report on how the humanitarian crisis around the world led to change in media coverage and development since the Arab Spring. Read the report here January
"5 Crowdfunders to Watch": A Voices of Jordan mention
The fundraising campaign for my book project, Voices of Jordan, was recommended by The Story Exchange. Read article.
Mention in "Jordan Times"
A mention in the Jordan Times on the contribution of women journalists in Jordan. Read article. July
OnAirr Productions, LLC
Spoke as part of a panel about the Syrian and Iraqi refugee crisis and those who fled their countries. The panel was moderated by U.S. Immigration lawyer, Christopher Helt. June
Mention in "Your Middle East"
I was interviewed for the article "Reporting from Gaza in times of neither peace nor war" in Your Middle East, where I spoke about the profession of journalism. Read full article. February
Radio interview with On the Media
I spoke with Brooke Gladstone about how the Chapel Hill incident set off a debate in the MENA region about double standards. Listen to the interview. February
U.S. ISIS Hostage Kayla Mueller Confirmed Dead, The TakeAway
Interview where I share details on the story of 26-year-old American aid worker held hostage by ISIS then killed. #KaylaMeuller Listen to the interview. February
Jordan Hangs Two Terrorists, HuffPost Live Interview
Watch HuffPostLive interview where I discuss the latest from #Jordan on #ISIS murder of #MoathAlKasasbeh & reactions. January
Interview with LBC Radio
Spoke on LBC's morning show on the latest hostage situation and reaction from #Jordan. #JordanianPilot #Amman #KenjiGoto Visit LBC Radio website January
Jordan Offers to Trade Terrorist for ISIS Hostage, Take Away Interview
An update I reported on with John Hockenberry of the TakeAway on the hostage exchange standoff between Jordan and ISIS . Listen to the interview. January
U.S. ISIS Hostage Kayla Mueller Confirmed Dead, TakeAway Interview
My interview with John Hockenberry about the American aid worker that was held hostage by the Islamic State. Listen to the interview on The TakeAway
Journalism, youth and politics in Jordan
Journalism, youth and politics in Jordan. AmenFM (Arabic Channel) 89.5. Guest Speaker on ‘Successful Women" with Suheir Jeridat. Listen to the interview October
Interview With Global Thinkers Forum
I chaired a panel as part of a conference held bevy the Global Thinkers Forum. Flip to pages 18 and 19 and read an article I wrote for the conference programme booklet. April
New media and new roles in the aftermath of the Arab Spring
The Aspen Institute talks to me about the changing role of the media in the ever-changing Arab region. Read full interview. April
New media and new roles in the aftermath of the Arab Spring, Aspen Institute
Interviewed by Jessica Carter on the shifting role of the media in the Middle East. Read interview
Catching Up with Rana Sweis, Hofstra University Magazine
Interview I did as an alumni of Hofstra University on journalism and creative writing. Read interview