Rana Sweis

Journalism World

The 40 Best Blogs for Journalism Students

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Because journalism as a whole constantly ebbs and flows along with the currents of new technologies, students hoping to graduate and enter into the industry need to understand how its myriad facets change over time. Seeing as how blogs — one of the cornerstones of digital media and citizen reporting — inherently boast a current, updated structure, they provide an ideal conduit through which to trace all the most timely trends, concerns, and opinions. No matter their specialty or area of interest, at least one of the following will provide some nourishing food for thought and effective supplements to classroom lesson.

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Rana Sweis Articles

Journalism World

Covering global health with integrity

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"With global health and human rights coverage increasingly funded by foundations that organize reporting trips, Western journalists who don’t understand the nuances of a place are parachuting in for a week, charged with covering some of the most complex and distressing aspects of human existence. These trips are invaluable resources, and global health reporting would simply not have the reach it does without them. But this setup also has many potential pitfalls that can prevent well-meaning reporters from accurately conveying the subtleties of their sources’ experience, and it’s our professional obligation to address them. Admitting our own fallibilities can be terrifying, but remaining alert and self-aware can help mitigate the problem."

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