Rana Sweis

Digital Digest

Social Innovation and Future Engagement

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Will businesses, governments and non-profits finally realize the potential of social innovation. This article says there are some that are doing that already like OpenIDEO that partnered with non-profits, businesses and governments to create a series of collaborative social innovation challenges. Read more about the networks that have been formed, the fundraising that has taken place and the benefits of collaboration.

"The success of collaborative social innovation initiatives shows that organizations and people are capable of co-creating innovative solutions to complex problems, and has created a new model for change makers to showcase their innovations, for governments and foundations to find solutions to societal issues and for businesses to realize sustainable growth."

[button text="Read more" url="http://blog.mslgroup.com/future-of-engagement-3-collaborative-social-innovation/" color="" target="blank"]

Rana Sweis Articles

Digital Digest

Social Media Shedding Light on Environmental Issues

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Social media networks are used to shed light on environmental issues in Jordan, Jordan Times, reports. As you will remember with the Ajloun Forrest and Birgish, the campaigns took a life of their own on social media but it was also the fact that action was taken offline as well that the campaigns have succeeded so far.

"Environment protection societies and NGOs deem social media networks a "great and exceptional opportunity" to make a positive behavioural change in environment protection and the consumption of water and energy, Shoshan told The Jordan Times. "

[button text="Read more" url="http://www.hispanicbusiness.com/2012/12/21/more_environmentalists_using_social_media_for.htm" color="" target="blank"]

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