Rana Sweis


Mapping Digital Media Advocacy Summit

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The Mapping Digital Media advocacy summit in Istanbul gathered researchers and partners from 60 countries working on the Mapping Digital Media project. The Open Society Media Program has also commissioned background papers on a range of topics that are important for understanding the effects of new technology on media and journalism. The papers accompany a series of reports, "Mapping Digital Media," on the impact of digitization on democracy in 60 countries around the world.

The turmoil afflicting traditional media may well lead to a renaissance for investigative journalism in digital media. Whether or not this happens, however, will probably depend on whether journalists can come to terms with profound shifts in both the ethical and the commercial values of their work. This paper argues that objectivity will be increasingly displaced by transparency as an ethical base for journalism. On the commercial side, ubiquity will have greater value than exclusivity.

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Rana Sweis Articles


Global Thinkers Forum

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The GT Conference focuses on the role of the modern woman, in the MENA region and globally as well as discussions on leadership October 7-8, 2012.

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