Speaking Engagements
12- Global Summit VI
Discussed the issue of giving voice to the voiceless, and spoke about the journey of my book, Voices of Jordan. More about the event. September
03- Australian Embassy in Amman
Discussed current events in Jordan and the region. May
08- Spring Board Meeting, EastWest Institute
It was a pleasure to speak on a panel at the Spring board meeting of the East West Institute, chaired by Ross Perot Jr. My focus was on the US role, the realities in the region and the importance of good governance in the Arab world.
19- Radicalization and Youth, Chicago Council on Global Affairs
Invited to speak to the Chicago Council on Global Affairs board members visiting Jordan. We spoke and discussed radicalization in the Middle East, the role of youth and the status of women in Jordan. November
07- Freedom of Expression in Jordan at the American University of Madaba (AUM)
Invited to speak at AUM on the topic of "Freedom of Expression: What does it all mean in the Jordanian context?" Discussions covered the recent laws & legislations, the importance of public debate & a professional & free press. February
17- Roots of Radicalization for Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Amman
Invited to speak at the Alumni Conference of Young Leaders Youth Perspectives on Roots of Radicalization in Amman where I explored the role of youth in combating radicalization.
15- Voices of Jordan in New York
Invited to present & discuss Voices of Jordan in New York. The book talk was hosted by supporter Susan Wicht who focuses on Arabic language & education. The event was attended by teachers, businessmen, patrons, authors, activists & other New Yorkers. September
22- American University of Madaba/ DePaul University students
Invited to speak to exchange students in Jordan from DePaul University in Chicago, Illinois on the media landscape in Jordan and digitization. September
18- International Election Observers
Invited to speak to international election observers in Jordan who were monitoring the parliamentary elections. I highlighted the role of the media in the elections and the importance of including youth in the decision-making process. August
08- National Democratic Institute (NDI)
Invited to speak to long term election observers about the media landscape in Jordan and the upcoming parliamentary elections at the National Democratic Institute's office. July
26- International Republican Institute & National Democratic Institute
Invited to speak to a high level delegation from the International Republican Institute (IRI) and National Democratic Institute (NDI) on the role of youth and public attitudes towards the upcoming 2016 Jordanian parliamentary elections. April
27- Voices of Jordan at the American University of Madaba
I gave my first book presentation to a terrific group of literature students at the American University of Madaba. We exchanged ideas and I spoke about the writing process for my upcoming book Voices of Jordan. Read more about the event
28- International Republican Institute (IRI)
Invited to speak to the IRI young leaders academy. We discussed the media & its role in Jordan looking into professionalism, government restrictions on the media, self-censorship & the role of civil society today in Jordan. October
31- International Republican Institute (IRI)
Invited to speak to about 25 young, politically active participants about the media and its role particularly in Jordan and initiatives of Leaders of Tomorrow including the importance of creativity and innovation. Amman, Jordan. June
15- Friedrich Ebert Foundation
Chaired two sessions in the regional conference in the "Secret of Attraction of ISIS". Read agenda.
Amman, Jordan
21- Munathara Initiative
Workshop presenter on the art of storytelling
Amman, Jordan December
13- Speaker at the Human Rights Journalism conference
Spoke about the importance of data and information for the work of journalists at the conference in Amman organised by Center for Defending the Freedom of Journalists (CDFJ) and Journalists for Human Rights (JHR). The event brought together more than 100 journalists, lawyers and NGOs to discuss the topic. December
10- International Center For Journalists (ICFJ)
Speaker on media and human rights
Amman, Jordan June
01- New America Foundation
Speaker on the state of press and internet freedom in the MENA region
Washington DC, USA May
01- National Democratic Institute (NDI)
Speaker on digitization, social media and journalism in Jordan
Amman, Jordan February
11- Yarmouk University FireFox Day
Speaker on the importance of digitization in media education and journalism
Irbid, Jordan January
21- International Honor Program (IHP)-Human Rights
Speaker on human rights and the role of the media
Amman, Jordan
06- International Honor Program (IHP)-Human Rights
Speaker on The Role Of Media In Promoting Human Rights
Jordan September
15- 4th Bronislaw Geremek International Foreign Policy Conference
Speaker on the state of Jordan two years after the Arab revolts
Warsaw, Poland August
30- The Atlantic Council’s Rafik Hariri Center for the Middle East
Speaker on activism and challenges facing Jordan’s youth
Amman, Jordan July
31- National Democratic Institute
Speaker on political developments in Jordan
Amman, Jordan July
31- Aspen Mediterranean Initiative
Speaker on media, telecommunications and digitization
Naples, Italy June
10- National Democratic Institute (NDI)
Speaker on tribal violence in universities, presenting results from interviews & research
Amman, Jordan March
31- New America Foundation
Speaker On The Standing Political Context In Jordan
Washington DC, USA January
31- National Democratic Institute (NDI) International Observation Mission
Speaker On The Standing Political Context In Jordan
31- Centre for Economics and Foreign Policy Studies, 8th Bodrum Roundtable
Speaker on the politics of international engagement “Aiding Arab Transitions”
Bodrum, Turkey October
21- University of North Caroline at Chapel Hill
Speaker On The Study Abroad Program In Jordan
Amman, Jordan October
06- Global Thinkers Forum
Panel moderator on finding the leaders of tomorrow post Arab Spring. Event agenda
Amman, Jordan July
01- Mapping Digital Media Advocacy Summit in Istanbul
Speaker on Digital Media And Activism In Jordan
Istanbul, Turkey June
01- International Center for Journalists and Jordan Media Institute
Reporting In Jordan. Speaker
Jordan May
31- Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs
Speaker On Spectrum Allocation Policy In Jordan
New York
31- Institute of International Cooperation - German Institute for Adult Education
Speaker On The Role Of Media In Promoting Adult Education In Jordan
Amman, Jordan April
01- Aspen Institute
Speaker On The Role Of The Media In The Middle East
Rome, Italy
31- Jordan Media Institute
Speaker On Story Ideas, Reporting And Writing
Amman, Jordan
01- Arab-US Association of Communication Educators (AUSACE)
Speaker On Digitization And Media Literacy
Beirut, Lebanon